About Us


We're three friends who work as an electrician, a carpenter, and a pipe-fitter. We got together one summer evening in 2021 and discussed some of the shared trials and tribulations we had experienced on the job. During that discussion one thing became overwhelmingly clear: We all experienced misplaced tools while we were on a job and it was time consuming having to stop what what we were doing and search for them. 



We knew there had to be an easier way to keep track of the essential tools we needed for a specific job, while still having them handy. After some serious brainstorming sessions the idea for wrist-kit was born. 



Wrist Kit is a one of a kind solution so you can stay organized on the job. It's for the husband repairing the roof, the electrician installing the control system, or the father putting together his daughter's bed frame. It's a new way of staying organized so you have the tools you need at your fingertips, when you need them.